My work is available upon request: email
Peer reviewed articles in international journals
43) Hof AR, Filipe AF, Rodríguez‐Castañeda G., Diele-Viegas LM 2024. Editorial: Women in biogeography and macroecology 2022. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12:1404639. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1404639
42) Boetzl FA, Sponsler D, Albrecht M, Batáry P, Birkhofer K, Knapp M, Krauss J, Maas B, Martin MA, Sirami C, Sutter L, Bertrand C, Bosem Baillod A, Bota G, Bretagnolle V, Brotons L, Frank T, Fusser M, Giralt D, González E, Hof AR et al. 2024. Distance functions of carabids in cropfields depend on functional traits, croptype and adjacent habitat: a synthesis. Proceedings of The Royal Society B. 291: 20232383. DOI:
41) Kumar Thapa S, De Jong SF, Hof AR, Subedi N, Raj Joshi L, Prins HHT. 2023. Enhancing subtropical monsoon grassland management: Investigating mowing and nutrient input effects on initiation of grazing lawns . Global Ecology and Conservation 47:e02686. DOI:
40) Hasan A, Girona MM, Imbeau L, Lento J, Hof AR, Grosbois G. 2023. Indicator species reveal the physical and biological singularity of esker ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110612. DOI:
39) Wang BX, Hof AR, Matson KD, Van Langevelde F, Ma CS. 2023. Climate change, host plant availability, and irrigation shape future region-specific distributions of the Sitobion grain aphid complex. Pest Management Science 79: 2311-2324. DOI:
38) Wang D, De Knegt HJ, Hof AR. 2022. The effectiveness of a large protected area to conserve a global endemism hotspot may vanish in the face of climate and land-use changes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. DOI:
37) Sumbh O, Hof AR. 2022. Can pikas hold the umbrella? Understanding the current and future umbrella potential of keystone species Pika (Ochotona spp.). Global Ecology and Conservation 38: e02247 DOI:
36) Kumar Thapa S, De Jong SF, Hof AR, Subedi N, Raj Joshi L, Prins HHT. 2022. Fire and forage quality: post-fire regrowth quality and pyric herbivory in subtropical grasslands of Nepal. Ecology and Evolution. DOI:
35) Wang BX, Hof AR, Ma CS. 2022. Impacts of climate change on crop production, pests and pathogens of wheat and rice. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 9: 4-18 DOI: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021432
34) Hof AR, Montoro Girona M, Fortin M-J, Tremblay JA. 2021. Editorial: Using landscape simulation models to help balance conflicting goals in changing forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:795736. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.795736
33) Bostedt G, De Jong J, Ekvall H, Hof AR, Sjögren J, Zabel A. 2021. An empirical model for forest landscape planning and its financial consequences for landowners. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 36:626-638. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2021.1998599
32) Kumar Thapa S, De Jong SF, Subedi N, Hof AR, Corradini G, Basnet A, Prins HHT. 2021. Forage quality in grazing lawns and tall grasslands in the subtropical region of Nepal and implications for wild herbivores. Global Ecology and Conservation. e01747 DOI:
31) Hof AR, Zachrisson A, Polvi, LE. 2021. Forest Restoration: Do Site Selection and Restoration Practices Follow Ecological Criteria? A Case Study in Sweden. Forests 12.8, 988 DOI:
30) Van de Bunte W, Weerman J, Hof AR. 2021. Potential effects of GPS collars on the behaviour of two red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) in Rotterdam Zoo. PLOS ONE 16.6: e0252456. DOI:
29) Meeussen SEJ, Hof AR. 2021. Predicted Future Benefits for an Endemic Rodent in the Irano‐ Turanian Region. Climate 9.16 DOI:
28) Goffin B, Felgueiras M, Hof AR. 2020. Increased Stopover Duration and Low Body Condition of the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) at an Autumn Stopover Site. Animals 19.12: 2208 DOI:
27) Hof AR, Allen AM, Bright PW. 2019. Investigating the role of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in the nationwide distribution of the Western European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in England. Animals 9.10: 759 DOI:
26) Allen AM, Hof AR. 2019 Paying the price for the meat we eat. Environmental Science & Policy. 97: 90-94 DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.04.010
25) Hof AR, Allen AM. 2019. An uncertain future for the endemic Galliformes of the Caucasus. Science of the Total Environment. 651: 725-735. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.227
24) Hof AR, Crombag J, Allen AM. 2018. The ecology of Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle grylle chicks in the Baltic Sea region: insights into their diet, survival, nest predation and moment of fledging. Bird Study. DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2018.1520192
23) Michanek G, Bostedt G, Ekvall H, Forsberg M, Hof AR, De Jong J, Rudolphi J, Zabel A. 2018. Landscape planning—paving the way for effective conservation of forest biodiversity and a diverse Forestry? Forests. 9: 523. DOI: 10.3390/f9090523
22) Hof AR, Löfroth T, Rudolphi R, Work T, Hjältén J. 2018. Simulating Long-Term Effects of Bioenergy Extraction on Dead Wood Availability at a Landscape Scale in Sweden. Forests. 9:457. DOI: 10.3390/f9080457
21) Hof AR, Hjältén J. 2018. Are we restoring enough? Simulating impacts of restoration efforts on the suitability of forest landscapes for a locally critically endangered umbrella species. Restoration Ecology. 26:740-750, DOI: 10.1111/rec.12628
20) Hof AR, Dymond C, Mladenoff D. 2017. Climate change mitigation through adaptation: the effectiveness of forest diversification by novel tree planting regimes. Ecosphere. 8:e01981
19) Buchadas ARC, Hof AR. 2017. Future breeding and foraging sites of a southern edge population of the locally endangered black guillemot (Cepphus grylle). Bird Study 64:306-316.
28) Rodríguez‐Castañeda G, MacVean C, Cardona C, Hof AR. 2017. What limits the distribution of Liriomyza huidobrensis and its congener Liriomyza sativae in their native niche: when temperature and competition affect species' distribution range in Guatemala. Journal of Insect Science, 17(4):88;1-13
17) Rodríguez‐Castañeda G, Hof AR, Jansson R. 2017. How bird clades diversify in response to climatic and geographic factors. Ecology Letters. 20: 1129-1139.
16) Hof AR, Rodríguez‐Castañeda G, Allen AM, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2017. Vulnerability of Subarctic and Arctic breeding birds. Ecological Applications, 27:219-234
15) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2016. Quantifying the long term decline of the West-European hedgehog in England by subsampling citizen-science datasets. European Journal of Wildlife Ecology, 62:407-413
14) Fuentes-Hurtado M, Hof AR, Jansson R. 2016. Paleodistribution modeling suggests glacial refugia in Scandinavia and out-of-Tibet range expansion of the Arctic fox. Ecology and Evolution, 6:170-180.
13) Hof AR, Svahlin A. 2016. Not erroneous but cautious conclusions about the potential effect of climate change on the geographical distribution of insect pest species in the Swedish boreal forest. Response to Björklund et al. (2015). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 31:29-39.
12) Hof AR, Svahlin A. 2016. The potential effect of climate change on the geographical distribution of insect pest species in the Swedish boreal forest. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 31:128-129.
11) Hof AR. 2015. Alien species in a warming climate: a case study of the nutcracker and stone pines. Biological Invasions, 17: 1533-1543
10) Jørgensen D, Nilsson C, Hof AR, Maher Hasselquist E, Baker S, Stuart Chapin III F, Eckerberg K, Hjältén J, Polvi L Meyerson LA. 2014. Policy language in restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology, 22: 1-4.
9) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2012. Future climate change will favour non specialist mammals in the (Sub)arctics. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52574.
8) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2012. The usefulness of elevation as a predictor variable in species distribution modelling. Ecological Modelling, 246: 86-90.
7) Rodríguez-Castañeda G, Hof AR, Jansson R, Harding LE. 2012. Predicting the Fate of Biodiversity Using Species’ Distribution Models: Enhancing Model Comparability and Repeatability. PLoS ONE 7(9): e44402
6) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2012. How biotic interactions may alter future predictions of species distributions: future threats to the persistence of the arctic fox in Fennoscandia. Diversity and Distributions, 18: 554-562.
5) Hof AR, Snellenberg J, Bright PW. 2012. Food or fear? Predation risk mediates edge-refuging in an insectivorous mammal. Animal Behaviour, 83: 1099-1106.
4) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2012. Factors affecting hedgehog presence on farmland as assessed by a questionnaire survey. Acta Theriologica, 57: 79-88.
3) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2010. The impact of grassy field margins on macro-invertebrate abundance in adjacent arable fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 139: 280-283.
2) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2010. The value of agri-environment schemes for macro-invertebrate feeders: hedgehogs on arable farms in Britain. Animal Conservation, 13: 467-473.
1) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2009. The value of green-spaces in built-up areas for hedgehogs. Lutra, 52:69-82
Books, book chapters and conference proceedings
5) Hof AR, Lundström J, Duveneck MJ. 2023. Modelling impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in boreal forests. In: Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change. Eds. Montoro Girona M., Morin H., Gauthier S. & Bergeron Y. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-031-15988-6. pp 613-636 DOI:
4) Michanek G, Bosted G, De Jong J, Ekvall H, Forsberg M, Hof AR, Sjögren J, Zabel Von Felten A. 2019 Forest landscape planning for biodiversity and a varied use of the forest (In Swedish: Landskapsplanering av skog – för biologisk mångfald och ett varierat skogsbruk). Rapport 6909, ISBN 978-91-620-6909-4, ISSN 0282-7298. Bromma: Naturvårdsverket, pp. 98.
3) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2015. Future biodiversity in the Barents Region. TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692; 2015:519. Copenhagen: Nordisk Ministerråd, pp. 101. DOI: 10.6027/TN2015-519
2) Hof AR. 2011. European terrestrial gastropod distribution. How may climate change affect their diversity and current distribution. In: Bianchi, A. and Fields, J. (eds), Gastropods: Diversity, Habitat and Genetics. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York pp. 165-182
1) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2008. Changes in the occurrence of hedgehogs in Britain. Mammalian Biology, Special issue to volume 73:17-17. Conference proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy, Vienna, Austria.
Non peer-reviewed publications with international coverage
2) Hof AR. 2007. Monitoring the Little Owl Athena noctua on Quinta da Rocha. In: Simonson W. (ed.), A Rocha Portugal Observatory Report, 2005-06: 3-9 Associação A Rocha, Portimão, Portugal
1) Hof AR. 2007. Cruzinha Weather report 2005. In: Simonson W. (ed.), A Rocha Portugal Observatory Report, 2005-06: 66-71 Associação A Rocha, Portimão, Portugal
Popular science publications
1) Hof AR. 2009. Research on English hedgehogs. Hedgehogs in trouble? Zoogdier, 20 (1):3-6 (In Dutch)
Theses and other reports
8) Hof AR, Svahlin A. 2014. Increasing spread of pest species in the boreal forest. Report to the Anna och Nils Håkanssons Stiftelse, Umeå University, Umeå
7) Hof AR, Snellenberg J. 2010. Local variations in small scale movements of hedgehogs in rural areas. A report to Peoples’ Trust for Endangered Species, and British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
6) Hof AR. 2009. A study of the current status of the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), and its decline in Great Britain since 1960. PhD thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
5) Hof AR. 2006. Habitat mapping of the higher grounds of the Ria de Alvor, Algarve, Portugal. Report for A Rocha Portugal, Mexilhoeira Grande, Portugal
4) Hof AR. 2004. NDVI in relation to the quality and quantity of the grassland vegetation, Okavango delta, Botswana. Extracurricular project report, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
3) Hof AR. 2004. The diet and habitat selection of the stingless bee Mellipona beecheii, La Palma, Chalatenango, El Salvador. MSc thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
2) Hof AR. 2003. The influence of heavy metals in the soil on territory size and the food availability of the black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa). (in Dutch) MSc thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
1) Hof AR. 2001. A study of the mineral quality and quantity of grassland vegetation in relation to the diversity of large herbivores, Okavango Delta Botswana. BSc thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Peer reviewed articles in international journals
43) Hof AR, Filipe AF, Rodríguez‐Castañeda G., Diele-Viegas LM 2024. Editorial: Women in biogeography and macroecology 2022. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12:1404639. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1404639
42) Boetzl FA, Sponsler D, Albrecht M, Batáry P, Birkhofer K, Knapp M, Krauss J, Maas B, Martin MA, Sirami C, Sutter L, Bertrand C, Bosem Baillod A, Bota G, Bretagnolle V, Brotons L, Frank T, Fusser M, Giralt D, González E, Hof AR et al. 2024. Distance functions of carabids in cropfields depend on functional traits, croptype and adjacent habitat: a synthesis. Proceedings of The Royal Society B. 291: 20232383. DOI:
41) Kumar Thapa S, De Jong SF, Hof AR, Subedi N, Raj Joshi L, Prins HHT. 2023. Enhancing subtropical monsoon grassland management: Investigating mowing and nutrient input effects on initiation of grazing lawns . Global Ecology and Conservation 47:e02686. DOI:
40) Hasan A, Girona MM, Imbeau L, Lento J, Hof AR, Grosbois G. 2023. Indicator species reveal the physical and biological singularity of esker ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110612. DOI:
39) Wang BX, Hof AR, Matson KD, Van Langevelde F, Ma CS. 2023. Climate change, host plant availability, and irrigation shape future region-specific distributions of the Sitobion grain aphid complex. Pest Management Science 79: 2311-2324. DOI:
38) Wang D, De Knegt HJ, Hof AR. 2022. The effectiveness of a large protected area to conserve a global endemism hotspot may vanish in the face of climate and land-use changes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. DOI:
37) Sumbh O, Hof AR. 2022. Can pikas hold the umbrella? Understanding the current and future umbrella potential of keystone species Pika (Ochotona spp.). Global Ecology and Conservation 38: e02247 DOI:
36) Kumar Thapa S, De Jong SF, Hof AR, Subedi N, Raj Joshi L, Prins HHT. 2022. Fire and forage quality: post-fire regrowth quality and pyric herbivory in subtropical grasslands of Nepal. Ecology and Evolution. DOI:
35) Wang BX, Hof AR, Ma CS. 2022. Impacts of climate change on crop production, pests and pathogens of wheat and rice. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 9: 4-18 DOI: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021432
34) Hof AR, Montoro Girona M, Fortin M-J, Tremblay JA. 2021. Editorial: Using landscape simulation models to help balance conflicting goals in changing forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:795736. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.795736
33) Bostedt G, De Jong J, Ekvall H, Hof AR, Sjögren J, Zabel A. 2021. An empirical model for forest landscape planning and its financial consequences for landowners. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 36:626-638. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2021.1998599
32) Kumar Thapa S, De Jong SF, Subedi N, Hof AR, Corradini G, Basnet A, Prins HHT. 2021. Forage quality in grazing lawns and tall grasslands in the subtropical region of Nepal and implications for wild herbivores. Global Ecology and Conservation. e01747 DOI:
31) Hof AR, Zachrisson A, Polvi, LE. 2021. Forest Restoration: Do Site Selection and Restoration Practices Follow Ecological Criteria? A Case Study in Sweden. Forests 12.8, 988 DOI:
30) Van de Bunte W, Weerman J, Hof AR. 2021. Potential effects of GPS collars on the behaviour of two red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) in Rotterdam Zoo. PLOS ONE 16.6: e0252456. DOI:
29) Meeussen SEJ, Hof AR. 2021. Predicted Future Benefits for an Endemic Rodent in the Irano‐ Turanian Region. Climate 9.16 DOI:
28) Goffin B, Felgueiras M, Hof AR. 2020. Increased Stopover Duration and Low Body Condition of the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) at an Autumn Stopover Site. Animals 19.12: 2208 DOI:
27) Hof AR, Allen AM, Bright PW. 2019. Investigating the role of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in the nationwide distribution of the Western European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in England. Animals 9.10: 759 DOI:
26) Allen AM, Hof AR. 2019 Paying the price for the meat we eat. Environmental Science & Policy. 97: 90-94 DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.04.010
25) Hof AR, Allen AM. 2019. An uncertain future for the endemic Galliformes of the Caucasus. Science of the Total Environment. 651: 725-735. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.227
24) Hof AR, Crombag J, Allen AM. 2018. The ecology of Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle grylle chicks in the Baltic Sea region: insights into their diet, survival, nest predation and moment of fledging. Bird Study. DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2018.1520192
23) Michanek G, Bostedt G, Ekvall H, Forsberg M, Hof AR, De Jong J, Rudolphi J, Zabel A. 2018. Landscape planning—paving the way for effective conservation of forest biodiversity and a diverse Forestry? Forests. 9: 523. DOI: 10.3390/f9090523
22) Hof AR, Löfroth T, Rudolphi R, Work T, Hjältén J. 2018. Simulating Long-Term Effects of Bioenergy Extraction on Dead Wood Availability at a Landscape Scale in Sweden. Forests. 9:457. DOI: 10.3390/f9080457
21) Hof AR, Hjältén J. 2018. Are we restoring enough? Simulating impacts of restoration efforts on the suitability of forest landscapes for a locally critically endangered umbrella species. Restoration Ecology. 26:740-750, DOI: 10.1111/rec.12628
20) Hof AR, Dymond C, Mladenoff D. 2017. Climate change mitigation through adaptation: the effectiveness of forest diversification by novel tree planting regimes. Ecosphere. 8:e01981
19) Buchadas ARC, Hof AR. 2017. Future breeding and foraging sites of a southern edge population of the locally endangered black guillemot (Cepphus grylle). Bird Study 64:306-316.
28) Rodríguez‐Castañeda G, MacVean C, Cardona C, Hof AR. 2017. What limits the distribution of Liriomyza huidobrensis and its congener Liriomyza sativae in their native niche: when temperature and competition affect species' distribution range in Guatemala. Journal of Insect Science, 17(4):88;1-13
17) Rodríguez‐Castañeda G, Hof AR, Jansson R. 2017. How bird clades diversify in response to climatic and geographic factors. Ecology Letters. 20: 1129-1139.
16) Hof AR, Rodríguez‐Castañeda G, Allen AM, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2017. Vulnerability of Subarctic and Arctic breeding birds. Ecological Applications, 27:219-234
15) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2016. Quantifying the long term decline of the West-European hedgehog in England by subsampling citizen-science datasets. European Journal of Wildlife Ecology, 62:407-413
14) Fuentes-Hurtado M, Hof AR, Jansson R. 2016. Paleodistribution modeling suggests glacial refugia in Scandinavia and out-of-Tibet range expansion of the Arctic fox. Ecology and Evolution, 6:170-180.
13) Hof AR, Svahlin A. 2016. Not erroneous but cautious conclusions about the potential effect of climate change on the geographical distribution of insect pest species in the Swedish boreal forest. Response to Björklund et al. (2015). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 31:29-39.
12) Hof AR, Svahlin A. 2016. The potential effect of climate change on the geographical distribution of insect pest species in the Swedish boreal forest. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 31:128-129.
11) Hof AR. 2015. Alien species in a warming climate: a case study of the nutcracker and stone pines. Biological Invasions, 17: 1533-1543
10) Jørgensen D, Nilsson C, Hof AR, Maher Hasselquist E, Baker S, Stuart Chapin III F, Eckerberg K, Hjältén J, Polvi L Meyerson LA. 2014. Policy language in restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology, 22: 1-4.
9) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2012. Future climate change will favour non specialist mammals in the (Sub)arctics. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52574.
8) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2012. The usefulness of elevation as a predictor variable in species distribution modelling. Ecological Modelling, 246: 86-90.
7) Rodríguez-Castañeda G, Hof AR, Jansson R, Harding LE. 2012. Predicting the Fate of Biodiversity Using Species’ Distribution Models: Enhancing Model Comparability and Repeatability. PLoS ONE 7(9): e44402
6) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2012. How biotic interactions may alter future predictions of species distributions: future threats to the persistence of the arctic fox in Fennoscandia. Diversity and Distributions, 18: 554-562.
5) Hof AR, Snellenberg J, Bright PW. 2012. Food or fear? Predation risk mediates edge-refuging in an insectivorous mammal. Animal Behaviour, 83: 1099-1106.
4) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2012. Factors affecting hedgehog presence on farmland as assessed by a questionnaire survey. Acta Theriologica, 57: 79-88.
3) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2010. The impact of grassy field margins on macro-invertebrate abundance in adjacent arable fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 139: 280-283.
2) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2010. The value of agri-environment schemes for macro-invertebrate feeders: hedgehogs on arable farms in Britain. Animal Conservation, 13: 467-473.
1) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2009. The value of green-spaces in built-up areas for hedgehogs. Lutra, 52:69-82
Books, book chapters and conference proceedings
5) Hof AR, Lundström J, Duveneck MJ. 2023. Modelling impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in boreal forests. In: Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change. Eds. Montoro Girona M., Morin H., Gauthier S. & Bergeron Y. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-031-15988-6. pp 613-636 DOI:
4) Michanek G, Bosted G, De Jong J, Ekvall H, Forsberg M, Hof AR, Sjögren J, Zabel Von Felten A. 2019 Forest landscape planning for biodiversity and a varied use of the forest (In Swedish: Landskapsplanering av skog – för biologisk mångfald och ett varierat skogsbruk). Rapport 6909, ISBN 978-91-620-6909-4, ISSN 0282-7298. Bromma: Naturvårdsverket, pp. 98.
3) Hof AR, Jansson R, Nilsson C. 2015. Future biodiversity in the Barents Region. TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692; 2015:519. Copenhagen: Nordisk Ministerråd, pp. 101. DOI: 10.6027/TN2015-519
2) Hof AR. 2011. European terrestrial gastropod distribution. How may climate change affect their diversity and current distribution. In: Bianchi, A. and Fields, J. (eds), Gastropods: Diversity, Habitat and Genetics. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York pp. 165-182
1) Hof AR, Bright PW. 2008. Changes in the occurrence of hedgehogs in Britain. Mammalian Biology, Special issue to volume 73:17-17. Conference proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy, Vienna, Austria.
Non peer-reviewed publications with international coverage
2) Hof AR. 2007. Monitoring the Little Owl Athena noctua on Quinta da Rocha. In: Simonson W. (ed.), A Rocha Portugal Observatory Report, 2005-06: 3-9 Associação A Rocha, Portimão, Portugal
1) Hof AR. 2007. Cruzinha Weather report 2005. In: Simonson W. (ed.), A Rocha Portugal Observatory Report, 2005-06: 66-71 Associação A Rocha, Portimão, Portugal
Popular science publications
1) Hof AR. 2009. Research on English hedgehogs. Hedgehogs in trouble? Zoogdier, 20 (1):3-6 (In Dutch)
Theses and other reports
8) Hof AR, Svahlin A. 2014. Increasing spread of pest species in the boreal forest. Report to the Anna och Nils Håkanssons Stiftelse, Umeå University, Umeå
7) Hof AR, Snellenberg J. 2010. Local variations in small scale movements of hedgehogs in rural areas. A report to Peoples’ Trust for Endangered Species, and British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
6) Hof AR. 2009. A study of the current status of the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), and its decline in Great Britain since 1960. PhD thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
5) Hof AR. 2006. Habitat mapping of the higher grounds of the Ria de Alvor, Algarve, Portugal. Report for A Rocha Portugal, Mexilhoeira Grande, Portugal
4) Hof AR. 2004. NDVI in relation to the quality and quantity of the grassland vegetation, Okavango delta, Botswana. Extracurricular project report, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
3) Hof AR. 2004. The diet and habitat selection of the stingless bee Mellipona beecheii, La Palma, Chalatenango, El Salvador. MSc thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
2) Hof AR. 2003. The influence of heavy metals in the soil on territory size and the food availability of the black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa). (in Dutch) MSc thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
1) Hof AR. 2001. A study of the mineral quality and quantity of grassland vegetation in relation to the diversity of large herbivores, Okavango Delta Botswana. BSc thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands